Okay, I'm one of the worst shoppers in the world. I wait to the last minute, and I have no idea what to buy my wife. Fortunately for me and the othr men in Edmonds, there is C'est La Vie. It has a terrific selection of gifts, art, jewlery, furniture and clothes.
I usually wait until the last minute, call C'est La Vie and tell them I'm coming down. They fnd the perfect gift and wrap it. I run in and I'm out in less than five minutes. And, you should see my wife's face when she unwraps it - usually tears because she's so happy. And, she thinks I went shopping for hours. It's our secret. They have the stuff she loves.
But, not just her. We have bought some art and furniture there and I love it in our house.
If you get a chance, go check it out. It's in the same building as Arista Wines (a great, local wine store). Or, I found their web site at www.clvcatalog.com.