The comment by Folayan A. is like a cult. The article has mixed half truth and lies together about The Belair at Macon Assisted Living Facility.
Belair is a very old facility. At one time it was a night club. Ms. Underwood purchased the property and building and turned it into an assisted living facility known as Harrison House. Years later, Ms. Underwood sold it to a large corporation who operated the building as an assisted living facility and they call it "The Belair at Macon." However, this company went bankrupt. The home stood empty for a long time. During this time the building was vandalized and many things were destroyed.
Dr. Sanjeev, who is from India, bought the building from Bankruptcy Court. He came in and made many repairs to the building and opened it as an assisted living facility. He kept the name "The Belair at Macon." Dr. Sanjeev is a wonderful person who cares deeply for the elderly who live at Belair. They have good food and plenty of it. He believes in the residents having fresh fruit and during the summer they have watermelons, cantaloupes and many other fresh fruits and vegetables.
Belair received the Department of Human Resources/Office of Regulatory Services (ORS)approval to open and operate as an assisted living facility. Like many new facilities, their compliance record was not good. Due to the age of Belair they did not meet ORS's rules and regulations. Each time Belair was written up, Belair's owner and administrator took it as Corrective Criticism
If you check out other facilities you will be surprised at some of the large facilities who have poor compliance ratings. One man was murdered at one of the Alzheimer's facilities and another large facility had a resident who was killed by trying to escape. ORS finds many things that facilities need to improve on. When you get a poor compliance rating offer your employees more training.. Get rid of employees who work for your facility because it is a job with a paycheck. Hire employees who love the elderly and can offer something to improve their quality of life...they deserve it.
The rent at Belair is cheaper than some of the other facilities because Dr. Sanjeeve did notgo bankrupt to purchase it. He passed his savings on to the residents. Other facilities who charge anywhere from $2500 up are new multi-million dollar facilities that can not afford to charge lower prices due to their large mortgage and high insurance. There are lots of elderly who cannot afford these places and now they have Belair with Belair's lower prices.
The administrator's mother who is 84 lives at Belair and loves it.
Another thing Folayan A. wrote is that Belair has been raided. This is not true. The owner does not have any lawsuits against him. Random people do not live at Belair. It is a shame when disgruntled employees get out and trash their ex-employer because they were fired for being too sorry to handle their job responsibility.