Regina Mendes you are disgraceful. We have been members for over 10 years at Image 2000 and absolutely love it. We watched you Jeannie 2 years ago, walk around while you were employed at Image and collect members names, phone numbers and e-mails and steal their members. You are incapable of opening up your own business and you resorted to making it your business to steal their customers. You failed miserably and because of your dishonesty and unethical behavior you were fined and shut down.
The past 2 weeks, we have observed you approaching the members at Image 2000 and doing the exact same thing all over again. You also told my friend and I that you were going to open up your own place again. You have already ruined Image 2000. Your instructors routinely put down image 2000 instructors. Some of my favorite Image 2000 instructor's classes have been eliminated, your instructors are horrible. Give me Lynn Langone and Carlos's Zumba class over any of your classes anytime. Your instructors, Carmen and Devin, can't hold a candle to Image 2000's instructors. Your spin instructors stink. Give me Wajih's spin class anyday. Yvonne, the image 2000 yoga instructor is my favorite instructor and now her class was eliminated.
Your step class is ridiculous. Instead of instructing, it is more about yourself. The guy that teaches the GHOS class is intent on hitting on the female members and making inappropriate comments.
I paid an enrollment fee to join Image 2000 and your members don't pay any enrollment fee.
Your business practices are unethical and you will stoop as low as you can to get ahead. Your business was shut down. There is no doubt that you will do the same thing to Image 2000, the place I love. I hope the owner of Image 2000 reads this and throws you out.