Tutor Time has a VERY rigid and structured program, so this place is not for every child! My son was three and a half years old when we enrolled him last year, and only lasted 6 weeks! The major disappointment was that the staff, especially the director, seemed TRULY annoyed that my son was not following the "perfect" program they have in place. They seemed to lack patience and did not want to be bothered, and immediately referred us to seek help in determining what was "wrong" with my child, which we were DUMB enough to do! It was QUICKLY realized that the obvious problem was that he was not ready for such a rigid program at his age, and we found a family based daycare in which he has been thriving for the past year, because there is a wonderful certified teacher there and the entire staff understands how much patience is need to deal with a child. Ironically, alot of the children there came FROM Tutor Time! However, the worst part was that, instead of giving us the courtesy of two weeks notice, as mandated by them, to start looking for alternative care, the director gave us FOUR days notice, in the form of a letter left at the front desk! They made us feel like our child was so bad that we didn't even deserve to be given the bad news in person!