Hey i stumbled onto this review site and noticed some bad feedback from some customers. I am the new owner of Kings Comix and we want to let know we are dedicated to serving Los Angeles/Burbank area with great respect and devotion to all who come into our store. I am truly sorry and apologize for the previous owners who i entrusted this wonderful business to. I don't want to dwell in the past and want to let everyone know my experience in retail will help my customer service exceed your expectations. My brother and i are excited to take the store to a higher level and want everyone to try the store out again. We have upgraded our website http://www.kingscomix.com/, so all of you who are looking for hard to find product will be surprised with our online selections. We have been devoted to our online presence since 1998 and have a feedback rating on ebay of 99.9%, here is the link to show this. http://stores.ebay.com/Kings-Comics-and-Cards. Please feel free to ask any questions and please come by the store and enjoy the New and improved Kings Comix. Thank you. Phil & Bob