For years my husband, our boxer and I have enjoyed visiting new Bed & Breakfasts. Because we live in New England and there are so many B&B's here - we never went to any of them more than once. Until Restful Paws. In the last 2 years we've been back 5 times - and we'll keep going back!
Kira, our boxer, is always greeted with love and playfulness. The innkeepers (whose private quarters are on a separate wing, which we think is genius - since it means they get privacy but are still close if you need something!) come over to the gathering room no less than 3 times a day to toss toys, give treats and just cuddle with Kira.
After Kira's knee surgery we decided to try water therapy - and knew it would be best to try it at Restful Paws. She is comfortable there, and with them, which we hoped would ease her fear of water. (For anyone that doesn't have a boxer - they sink like rocks!) Well, while Kira still hated it, she wasn’t scared. With all of their encouragement she did swim, and started to get some range of motion back, and because they were ready with a treat, toy, or cuddle, she was never traumatized. Now that she’s just had surgery on her other knee – there is no doubt she’ll be getting back in the pool this spring!
On to the grounds – They are beautiful - and SO private. The inn is off of a long, very quite back road, where there is little to no traffic. They are set on 30+ acres with new trails carved out each time we go back (and now agility equipment too!). Again, they did something that I think is genius and divided off some of the land so that Rosie, their pretty pooch, can have some land that is *hers*. It's hard for a dog to share all of their property with strange dogs, so this is really a great thing for her - and just goes to show that they really KNOW dogs.