There is absolutely no management on staff after 430 with no one in charge, period. The management allows kids from the hood to loiter inside the facility, like 25-35 angry kids with zero supervision. Even broke up one of the fights myself in front of my 6yr old. Just recently went into a YMCA program with my family of 5 including my 15mo old to walk right in front of a kid smoking 20 feet from the entrance. Asked him to go down the sidewalk and he laughed and kept on with his "right to smoke wherever he wants". I go inside to tell someone to find out he's AN EMPLOYEE!?!? After he came in from break he continued to lip off at me in his ghetto slang and offered me his name and bosses card and told me how nobody's going to tell him what he can and can't do. I've never met an employee ANYWHERE with that much disregard for his job and it was apparant there was nobody in charge,he did it in front of two other coworkers who just looked down the entire time. If they can't even afford to keep a supervisor on duty they shouldn't be open and the YMCA should surely not be sponsoring family programs in that building.