I like this place for breakfast. They really cater to little kids in the nicest way. When I bring my 5 year old into the restaurant, they actually talk to her, not just me. Once my order came out wrong (She just didn't hear me say something), the manager came back and apologized. Service is quick, and food is delicious. I have never been able to finish a plate, ever. The dinner menu is great also, but the portions are way to big for me to eat. I am to full after the soup and 3-4 bites of the meal. It is not expensive, and I don't have to worry about blowing a large sum of money on breakfast for the 2 of us.
I have only one observation though. They must have run out of gravy on Tuesday, because one of their employees was at Sam's buying a ton of it, and a ton of tomatoes. I think that is great for one reason. The brand they were using was good, and they didn't have to tell the customers, sorry, we don't have that item tonight. But, the employee should have taken off her name tag so no one knew where she worked and where she was buying all of the gravy for.
Other than that, it is wonderful.