My vehicle was stolen and was used in a pursuit with Cldye Hill police which resulted in my car being damaged and impounded. After a lengthy search with just about every law enforcement in the greater seattle area I found it to be at Starbucks towing. I contacted them and was told the bill was $340.00 for towing plus $60.00 a day storage. If I wanted to receive my property in the car I was to pay a $95.00 "gate fee." The next day I took the bus to bellevue upon contacting them it took several calls to get directions. When I got there I was treated with utter disrespect. The attendant would not leave me alone with the vehicle and watched me like I was attempting to commit a crime with my own property. He told me I owed a total of $960.00 but would give me a substancial break and have me pay $400.00 less. But he would not accept anything but cash. He spouted off some rcw law of being reported to the D.O.T. if I did not pay and the vehicle went to auction. I would not be able to get a license anywhere in the U.S. ever again. The police told me I was not liable for the charges and Starbucks states that I am. I feel they are nothing but a rip off bussiness to get the most out of your wallet with no concern for the victims. Look up the laws on impoundment it is rcw 46.55.120 if you are in this situation and find out your rights. I did and they are not going to screw this vehicle owner.