I had been considering the purchase of my new truck for over a year. I researched various dealers in the area. Most all had pretty good reviews but the Brandon Ford dealership seemed to prevail overall. Also this dealership definitely has the most in-stock inventory for the type vehicle I was interested in. They even had the particular style and color for which I was considering.
I arrived Brandon Ford as was greeted by Sudesh "Jack". I told him of my interest and proceeded to look/inspect a few vehicles. He is very informed and able to answer my questions. We drove to the second lot and there it was...... just as shown on their website!! We went over the details of this vehicle and returned to the main office to discuss assorted details (let the fun begin). Jack was able to easily answer my questions. I told him of my concerns and we discussed varying purchase options. There was no pressure to purchase right then. Three days later we agreed on a deal!
For me, the whole experience was very pleasant. Enough so to where I made Jack, Zoran (sales mgr.) and the others in the office a grilled rack of lamb lunch!!
I must also mention that the follow up since the purchase has been wonderful. The customer service/relation has been outstanding. Something that has seemed to have been lost in most business areas these days.
Thank you Jack and Brandon Ford,