Michael King and Victoria Queen you want to express my appreciation for a great help - taking pictures of our Love account!!! it became an adornment of our holiday (apart with us, of course):) We print the photos for any album requests, made â?‹â?‹on the foundation of these photos huge poster (which is the bride's father immediately after the wedding tihonechno directed, saying that no you might give such a magnificence) and showed movie Love story that struck all... I guess every couple wedding is like a dream... it begins when the preparations for any wedding-aware of an affair that soon.. this is the reality that thanks to these people, we feel that we will soon have a wedding, it was very simple and interesting... because these kind of moments (joint photography, and even and LOVE STORY) they're just more united and could be the dress rehearsal before your wedding day)))))) Thanks a lot guys!!!!! Well done!