I came to Robert's office after I met someone at the court house and referred me to him. I was in a nasty divorce and needed an attorney who would take my case seriously and personally. My ex is one of those wives who would say or do anything to win sole custody of the child to have more money from child support. Robert is NOT the type of attorney who likes to lose. How many attorneys would make the judge read from top to bottom before the judge makes his final decisions. Most judges turn the pages without reading. If it wasn't for Robert I would've lost my custody and paying a lot money now. Taking care of my kid is my responsibility until my last breath. Losing a custody battle is not an option. As a father I would do anything for my child. I'm glad I chose Robert to represent me in court. Hopefully I won't be back in court to fight for my child again. But I will definitely hire Robert when I need an attorney. Thanks Robert for everything you did..
Garden Grove, CA