This falls under more information then you would want to know- but not all of us get to use OB/GYN for just keeping track of a pregnancy...
After having my period for 19 years for whatever reason when I turned thirty my body wanted to bleed 20 days out of the month.
I had to come off of the birth control pills due to high blood pressure- and all of the cramping and bleeding was seriously getting old.
My internist ordered an ultrasounds- and there were masses found so she sent me to a gynecologist.
Dr McDermott was very compassionate, witty, and explained **everything** to me **and** my husband- she spent a FULL hour with us explaining everything. I am sure I asked her the same question a million times- but she never ever lost her patience with me.
I have had 7 surgeries and Dr, McDermott has performed 3 of them. She is an excellent surgeon- though she is not at all opposed to offering non western solutions for pain.-- My latest surgery revealed lots of scar tissue- and she said that some of her patients find relief with acupuncture and massage.
For those of you lucky enough to get pregnant- all of my girlfriends have had her as their doctor- and they all have had very very positive experiences with her.