OK I have no kids, but I am all too often either watching my kid sister or babysitting, so I feel I am able to give expert opinions in this catergory.
Gym Dandy is our local thrift store here in Thibodaux area. It's located on Jackson St. right next to the Thibodaux Tire and Auto.
You might say thrift store, no way, but before you make such judgement calls read on. Gym Dandy has been in business for nearly 40 years. They offer great prices starting out at .25 cents on up and have a wide variety of children's books, toys, games, shoes, and outdoor gear, most of which are name brands.
I am a firm believer of why pay full price for items that the kids will outgrow in just a couple of months anyway.
All monies earned by the store is used to support the Mother's club at the local Catholic High school which is then generated back into the community, so as you see this is a win/win situation.