"Still aren't able to get around to write want you to thank for the congrats you have done for individuals. Perhaps there is still an excuse to: family troubles, engineering focus... But, I hate to write about the idea. First and foremost wish to thank you for your soul, embedded in when real, for the unforgettable surroundings, the drive, which prevailed throughout the shooting. We never for a moment doubted that the outcome will be pictures of high class, because not only an expert photographer, but the models were not bad You said that it's crucial for you to view each pair of dealing with you. So - some of our evaluation - 200 items to 100 point scale!
Oh, and how thankful and satisfied ""customers"", we not surprisingly, where only can advertise your work (good friends of numerous who need a good photographer at the wedding and not only).
Your fans, the couple, Vladimir and Alex"