I purchased a NEW 2010 Camry in 2009 with two free service oil changes. The first service I found cigarett butts, plural, on the drivers side floor when I entered the car at the exit of the service department, upon further inspection, I found oil spilled on engine, small but enough to cause oil smell. Salesman who sold car to me would not look into any resolution, so service manager told me I may have left cigarett residue in auto, I do not smoke nor have I ever smoked and I am single, so NO one has been in my car even with a glass of water! One wheel rim has a small scratch from a curb not very noticable but I know it is there, so when I see my wheel's have been rotated and the wheel with the scratch is still in the same place it was when I arrived, hhhmmmm, mabe they removed the tires from the rims and rotated the tires and put the rims back where they were when I arrived, do you think? HA! I was charged for wheel rotation though! There were a couple of recalls and when I had the work done, there was a greasy hand print on the door support drivers side between whindshield and door. They said I must have put it there when I checked the oil. Salesman who sold me the car no longer works there and maintenance mistakes are my fault, so when I tried to talk to the owner of the dealership, he just wanted to sell me a NEW car and ignored any complaint I had, he would make a good politician. I have moved my business to another Toyota dealership and am very happy! Toyota has served me well, however dealerships can be changed.