I've bragged about my husband, Myles, before, but I'll take the opportunity again. With 15+ years of experience and a strong helping of European schooling after his architecture degree, he has extraordinary vision, great experience and is an all round great guy. He's the kind of guy who will really get to know who you are and how you live, and then create an environment in which you can thrive. And, speaking of environment, he's LEEDS accredited (environmental architect) and understands the importance of designing projects not just for the people who live in them, but for the climate in which they live. Their website is http://www.tca-inc.com. Don't be scared by the large scale public projects, look at the houses - many of which are remodels, as well as new construction. (If you're curious about him specifically, he did the Fauvre house in SF, which is on their site.) Oh, and he's a really nice, non-uppity guy.