My Celebrant graduation was THE MOST INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE that I have ever witnessed or participated in!!!!! I kept saying to my husband, "I can't believe that they're doing all of this for us!" It was a wonderful time throughout the entire 3 days. How amazing to be in such an atmosphere! Talking with classmates and colleagues the entire time!!!! To me, one of the most moving rituals was the living archway of teachers and alumni that we passed through at the end of the ceremony. The entire experience I cherish to this day! I passionately and proudly say, "I am a Celebrant!" I am grateful to have made and strengthened friendships that I feel will last throughout my life. Although we are states away, we communicate on a regular basis by email, cards and sometimes lengthy phone calls. We ask for and share with each other elements and rituals that we need or have performed. The education provided by the foundation is impeccable and should be followed explicitly!!!