Just wanted to provide information to anyone who's interested. Joe Zuniga is/has owned or been involved with Ideal Tax Solutions LLC, Ideal Tax Services LLC, Sea Tax LLC, Easy Payroll Solutions LLC and Suzanne Hayden who ripped off customers to the tune of over $100,000. Joe Zuniga has Tax Warrants for not paying his/his company's taxes, and Joe was arrested on 3/6/12 for contempt of court as he didn't abide by an order of income withholding. What kind of bookkeeper can't manage his own books? I am happy to see that Zuniga is getting some of what he deserves. Joe Zuniga is slick and can get people to believe him, but in reality he is just another petty Con Artist and will take your money. He is not a CPA and only has a basic understanding of the Tax Code, but he is very good at making things up and telling you what you want to hear. I urge everyone to find a real CPA and steer clear of this clown.