I too have been to the elephant over the years and have seen it through 4 owners and do agree to an extent with some of the reveiws. but this year it was bought by someone whom loves the place and has done alot of changes and still continues to improve the place and the atmosphire of the shop. It is still a consignment shop but is not the junk pile you said it was nor is there mean grumpy people working there. The owner Wendy has been slowly getting the place built up to the reputation she wants it to have and through hard work has managed to have people like yourselves whom formed bad opinionsnow are finally giving it a secound look and are totally amazed at the difference and will be coming back again. Please give this shop a secound chance and if you are not amazed at the difference and have any complaints please talk with the new owner Wendy as I know she wants to improve her shop so everyone will be comfortable shopping there. And no I am not affiliated with this place just a long time customer and finally see a owner whom really cares about the business.