I heard many people gush about this place it was excited to try it. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by the food and put off by the ambiance. First of all, I was unimpressed by the salsas which were rather bland (hard to do with pico de gallo)... second of all, the dishes I ordered came to me nearly cold (a big no no for cheese quesadillas) and again void of significant flavor and heat and packaged tortillas (the flavor of preservatives tips that off). The cheese was flavorless and the beans unseasoned mush. I am vegetarian, so my dining companion and I only ordered the meatless items on the menu -- none of which I would recommend. Maybe the meat-containing dishes are better?
Although I really didn't like ambiance, I will say that the average Seattle-ite would probably enjoy it. All in all, the crowed is uber-hip -- filled with Ballard young professionals & hipsters. The decor cashes in on the fetishization of Oaxaca/Zapatista culture, and romanticizing (they have so little but seem so happy!) and exoticizing the third world poverty so popular among Seattle's largely white, well-educated, liberal population. You're surrounded by chic, glowing pictures of wise and old (assumedly) Oaxacan men, smiling barefoot children sitting in the dirt and other earthy scenes evocative of third-world rural living.
I am sincerely puzzled by the rave reviews this restaurant receives... and keep thinking I should give it another try. But, quite frankly, don't want to waste my money or time. Honestly, I can make much tastier and cheaper food at home. I've yet to find good Mexican food in Seattle. Growing up close to the border has given me a critical tongue.