hello i brought my kids to the aunt d's on stirling and i am very pissed at them.when i picked my kids up they were drenched and my 1 yr old daughter had a major blistery diaper rash .and she didnt have one when dropped off.they didnt even bother to changer her clothes that were soaked in pee and they didnt even bother to put anything on her rash let alone tell me and my wife about it.my son was crying and couldnt wait to get out of there and the whole trip home he cryed and begged us not to bring him back to those mean bad people again.all there workers do is eat and sit on there asses and talk on there phones or to other workers and ignore the kids..i thought maybe trying the other center on sunrise and pine island and when approching the center i was stoped by another parent who had just picked there screaming kid up and they toldme i was making a big mistake and that they dont know what there doing in there and that i should consider kindercare or small fry or playway.or creative minds.my children are now inrolled in crrative minds i may say i have no problems there,my kids are looked after like they should be.parents please re consider before bringing ur kids to auntds playroom