Sorry the Flagstaff Athletic club is overpriced, people in Flagstaff live on a limited income and this place charges a $250 initiation fee?? puleese plus $500 a year on top of that?? and the equipment is old. I moved up here from Scottsdale and the fitness centers in Scottsdale are alot nicer than this place and charge only half and the people in Scottsdale have a much larger income. The debt to income ratio in Flagstaff is one of the worst in the country. I went there to get a membership and the only thing they wanted to do is see how much money they could squeeze out of me, it was one of the worst experiences i have had in a fitness center. Sorry $250 initiation fees and $500 a year is rediculous and anyone who pays that kind of money to workout there is brainless, and as i went to the other fitness centers they were just as bad, finally i got disgusted and decided these fitness centers in Flagstaff were a bunch of greedy pigs and decided to buy my own eqpt and workout from home. Anyone going to the Flagstaff Athletic club or any of the other overpriced fitness centers here? let them know how you feel about them squeezing you for every dollar you have, and tell them to take there initiation fees and put it where the sun doesn't shine. Signed Disgusted ugh!!!