We have had two different satellite services. We've also had cable. By far, DirecTV is the best provider and service.
For the packages that are offered, I think all providers are pretty comparable in price and what they offer. I really haven't found another that would save me more money by going with them. However, DirecTV has the best, uninterrupted service.
We have most of the channels that my family prefers.
We have never once lost service to the point of where we had to call someone out. We have lost it momentarily in a couple of storms, but it has always come back on very quickly. With the other two providers we had, we lost service often, and it took too long to come back on.
They have messed up our billing a couple times--in which they quit sending us paper bills in the mail, but that was fixed with a phone call. The people we have dealt with on the phone have always been pleasant.
DirecTV offers the best satellite service.