Women & Children's Hospital in Buffalo, NY is awesome. This is the story of the most traumatic experience in my life.
My second son was delivered via c-section at 36 weeks due to severe hydroamniosis (I had too much amniotic fluid) and he was in respiratory distress and our pediatrician spent numerous hours with him and had to make the difficult decision to have him sent to Children's. I had yet to see him or hold him or touch him. They brought him in for me to see before they whisked him away. It was heartbreaking. But, this being said, Children's Hospital was AMAZING! I could call at any hour day or night. My husband spent his time between me at one hospital and Ben at Children's. I got out of the hospital early and went to see him. He was released a couple days later and is a healthy little boy now!
Our oldest son had his tonsils and adenoids removed at the same hospital and we had another great experience there.
I don't wish childhood illness or injury or disease on any child but it's wonderful to know that there are wonderful hospitals out there.