I was refered here to figure out what is wrong with my stomach and digestive track. The man I refered to was supposed to be the head of his department, the best there was, etc., as my condition was very severe at that point. I found him to be very aloof, very rude and in general just not a great doctor at first. He was late to my appointments every single time and sometimes wouldn't show up at all and when he would he would be too busy hitting on his intern to notice me, the patient. But I was desperate and very ill, and he was supposed to be great. I agreed to a colonoscopy and endoscopy, which occured on the same day. I had to drink a whole lot of really horrible stuff, when according to the pharmicist there was actually a lot better stuff I could be drinking instead. Anyway, I drank it just like the doctor said, and I fasted just like he said. I get to the appointment and amazingly he shows up in time. They put me out and everything goes ok until I wake up in the middle of the precedure, in horrible pain and screaming my head off. What does the doctor do? He berates me, in the middle of the precedure for supposedly not following his instructions well enough. This was while they had a camara inside of my body and were taking a sample of my instestine. I was in so much pain and totally disoriented - I thought I was in hell. I ended up passing out from the pain. They could hear my screams all throughout that floor of the hospital, as I was later told by the person who was waiting for me in the waiting room which was really far away. I was really emotionally messed up after that very frightening, very painful experience. I cried on and off all the way home, and I am not the crying type. I never went back. I had other bad experience with their doctors, both in the dental school and eye doctors and this was the final straw. They do not deserve the inflated reputation that they have. Don't go here.