Dreamland is the best bbq place in all of Tuscaloosa. It may be the best in all of the state of Alabama.
Go to their website to find a location http://www.dreamlandbbq.com/main/default.asp and you can also see a few things on their menu once you found your location. They mostly deal with ribs. Their ribs are cooked on an open pit and almost fall off the bone they are so tender. They have a hint of a smoky taste as well and it just makes them all the better. This one in Tuscaloosa is the original I believe, and it is kinda hard to find if you don't know the area, but that website will give you a map to view. It's right off Jug Factory Road.
Also, I found that you can order their sauce on their website as well. It's a good sauce and works good with pork. I can't picture it with any other meats, but it's great on pork.