The kids start back onthe 23rd, we have to be back on rthe 21st, although I'll be going back the week b4 to reorganize my room bc they laid new tile down this summer so it's a mess. My room is one of those that has the kids dripping sweat, I have a very large room and only a small window a/c. It is routine in my room for the first 2 months of school to have the lights out and work by the sun bc it keeps it cooler. We get out mid May I think. We are required to have a certain amount of teacher contract days above the number of required school days, hence the number of teacher workshop days. Most of our days get used to acutally attend workshops or to complete grades and prepare for parent/teacher conferences. We also build 3 snow days into our calendar, if they are not used they become days off. I teach in a small rural district which is one reason we start earlier and build in snow days, that way we don't have to worry so much in the winter. We actually pushed our start back by about a week this year so that our students can show their animals in the state fair and not miss school.