Zoomerz in this area are always clean. Floors must be mopped every hour or two. Gas is very competitive and their locations are great - usually at a place where you can get in and off of major highways, like Morris Boulevard, easily. This Zoomerz has a very limited offering of fresh foods, but it has a large choice of beverages, snack foods and emergency items l like bread. Of course, for those items you'll pay probably 30-40 percent more than in the grocery store and you may only have one brand to choose from. The snack foods, here, are surprisingly priced. Plus, some are always on special. And one brand of soft drinks is always on sale for $2.99 or even 2/$5 for 12 packs. If you just want gas, I've never had a problem using the credit card at the pump. If you're going in to pay, lines move pretty quickly and sometimes they have a separate person working lottery tickets, which makes it move much quicker.