Of course you expect to see tourists here... and you know what the drinks and food'll be like, so I'll just give you the tips.
When you order drinks, most of them will come in souvenir glasses.... after several beverages, its easy to forget that. You don't, however, have to keep that glass! you can take it back for 3 or 4$s (i don't remember which... too much to drink...) Now. I went with a Tulane student who taught me the art of watching to see who is going to get up from their table and most likely forget their glasses..... so you watch. you see people get up and leave, then you swoop in and take all the glasses, turn em in, and use the proceeds to buy your next few drinks. :)
Next. when you have your money, and you're fixin to buy your beverage.... keep in mind... and this is so sneaky of them.... the prices are different at the different bars! I cant remember for sure... but i think the piano bar was the cheapest one. so. check first to see which one is the cheapest one. :)