This is one of those urban legends, but this place really does exist, and it's a weird place! It started in the 1960's with a few people that wanted to study "Life After Death," and Carrie Fisher (no relation!), is often credited with founding it; she gave it the name "As You Like It Library". Donations expand its collection of metaphysical holdings, and theft usually diminishes its holdings, which currently appears to be around 8,000 books. Over the years, it has appeared in half a dozen locations in the area, somehow surviving with support from mysterious donors, though they would definitely benefit from following some of the techniques used by professional fund raisers. In 2005, a former president of their board told me that he had helped to dissolve this 501 (c)(3), but this year, I saw it emerge from the ashes once again, * just off Market Street in the Ballard district. A few years ago, some of its members, mostly * fans of Art Bell, split from the organization to found * "Museum of the Mysteries", and were allowed to take many of the UFO books with them.