we all know this is the store that sells what is not sold in other stores basically. I love this store i love the prices. I found so much there for such a good price. The only bad thing i have to say about the store is i find it to be dirty feeling and looking. Its not like Shockingly dirty its just got a dirty vibe. Like if you look at a bottle of shampoo youll see dirty incrested in the cap. Thats the kind of dirty Iam talking about. Building 19 is good for somethings like maybe when you have to buy stuff in quantity. It is a good discount store I mean i dont let the dirt bother me really spcecially knowing what the store is all about, and knowing they are selling second hand objects. Most of the stuff is clean Jsut there are those things taht make you say eww you know??
Give it a try though it is a good place.