We bought a Subaru Outback at Chaplin's in December 2005. They were very low-key and no pressure. They let you take the car out as long as you want (okay, within reason) for a test drive. And you get to take it out by yourself. I drove it home to try it out on my driveway and make sure the car didn't bottom out going over my curb (it didn't). We took a couple of days to make the offer. My husband accidentally wrote down a price $200 above what he meant to write down and gave it to the salesperson. When the salesperson came back and said the offer was accepted, my husband said, oops, I meant to say $200 less. The salesperson didn't even get mad, bless his heart. They accepted the new offer.
There hasn't been quite as much follow-up as I would have liked in checking to see if we like our new car but I guess I am spoiled that way.
All in all, a very good experience (although their parking lot is VERY cramped!!!).