I love the B&O. I go there for brunch on the weekends. The Milky Way latte (caramel mocha) is out of this world (ha ha ha). and the food is really good too. I got dessert for the first time last weekend. I had the profiteroles and even though I had just eaten a huge omelette, there was not a speck of chocolate left on my plate afterwards.
The downside of the B& O is that the service can be really bad. I know, I know, Capitol Hill waitresses may be the worst in the world, but c'mon. When I've been waiting 20 minutes for a refill on my coffee, ask for it, and am told "Yeah. When I get a minute." by a waitress who could not have more than one other table, I get a little bit cranky.
They're not all like that though, some of them are total sweethearts.