I went to the Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM group) here at Group Health for both of my sons. The same midwife caught both of my boys. When I got pregnant for the first time, it just so happened that I called the OB clinic to make a standard appointment, and thankfully, their OBs were not available, so they offered midwives (I had no idea!), and I chose them because I just needed an appointment. That one phone call changed my life and my perspective on life forever.
I have to give these midwives top-notch praise. There's a reason why these midwives and clinic are the most highly rated in Seattle, and the most long-standing hospital midwifery service in the state. 45 minute appointments, excellent caring staff, a welcoming attitude to questions (no question is ever bad), and tons of resources. I felt so reassured by these knowledgeable and competent women, even when I got scared.
They actually talk with you to make sure that all of your concerns are addressed, just like midwives are known to do (far and away making them better than most OBs, who clock in at 4 minutes per appointment).
I had two great births there, and if I had to have another hospital birth (my last was a planned, happy homebirth with a Licensed Midwife), I'd choose here. They treat you like a human with feelings and needs, treasuring birth, not a malpractice suit waiting to happen. That's why their hospital-birth stats are the healthiest and best in the state. If you choose a hospital birth, get thee to these midwives.