This is on the front cover of the phamplet from St. Vincent De Pauls Thrift Shop. Recently they opened up
in Clinton Township. The store is equivalent to a supermarket size and even more surprizing was how
lovely that it was organized. I almost forgot that I was
in a second hand store after entering. They have
about 5 little showrooms where they have together
all the same themed items. One showroom has all
christmas items and decorations but it is like entering
someones living room during the holiday season. A
tree is decorated beautifully and the ornaments that
are hanging all have price tags. I was in awe of how
sweet and clean this resale shop was. The items looked all polished up and given great care before
putting out on the racks. They even have a specified
area for antique furniture towards the back of the building. I fell in love with what resembled a small
library of both hard back and paperback books. They
were in excellent condition and many were newly released books at a lower price. Since I did not drive
here I could not stay as long as I wished. For those
who do not know, the monies collected from the sales
of the items go to the homeless and the poor. There
are volunteers working in all their stores so that all the
money can go to the less fortunate. Everything about
this store is immaculate and the prices are grand. They
are located in the 15 Mile & Gratiot Strip Mall by the
Star theatre. On the back of their phamplet they
annouce '"Come and walk with us on...The Road to Heaven."'