I've been attending this school for some time now for classes and workshops and I have to say that I've really enjoyed it. The only "negative" is that they don't offer more classes! This small art school is very tailored to the student, a service you don't get in most major art schools. The teachers work very hard and really get to really know their students work and offer help. The registrar's office is a bit difficult when it comes to returning phone calls or advising of class or course cancellations in a timely fashion - but if you can deal with the chaos in the office, you will certainly enjoy the classes at NHIA. The tuition afforable -- not as expensive as most Boston schools. You can take a course (non-credited) for around $350.00. I have to say that it was one of the best classroom experiences I've ever had simply because the classes are small and I consistantly felt challenged and inspired by the students and teacher alike. I plan to return to NHIA again in January for more courses and I'd rate this school tops for Art schools in New Hampshire.