But my wife and I continue to return to Sushi Maru. Perhaps our tastebuds are just not sensitve enough to detect a difference, but we have yet to find another sushi restaurant that served noticably higher quality stuff.
That makes Suhi Maru an amazing value.
I think that it is also worth noting that Sushi Maru employs real, actual sushi chefs. In addition, the place is almost always packed with Japanese speaking customers - which is generally a good indication.
I am particularly impressed with some of the more imaginative sushi creations they offer at the boat/bar. Some truly amazing, beautiful creations. There is also no lack of variety - from simple cucumber rolls to extravigant sushi nigiri combinations that even a veteran sushi etear would be hard-pressed to identify.
The miso soup also happens to be outstanding.
The only negative can be the slow service - it sometimes takes a bit too long to get that tea refill or to have someone stop and total up the check. Despite these problems, this has been our 'favorite' sushi stop for the last 6 years.