Kepler's has just as good of a selection of both books and magazines as the big chain stores -- but it is an independantly owned store. Earlier this year they were having trouble competing with the chain stores -- and had to close for a while. The community rallied behind them and a group of local supporters formed to invest in the store. Now I'm not the type who avoids the big stores -- but, Kepler's really is the type of book store you want to see in your neighborhood. One time when I needed a hard to find book -- they spent a lot of time tracking it down and getting it shipped to the store for me. I had tried Borders -- and they had just given up after a quick search of their inventory list.
Kepler's is great about having chairs around so you can look through their magazines and books at your leisure. And, you can't beat the cafe next door for their frosted cafe mocha's!
I go out of my way to shop here when I can.