i was definately NOT impressed with my trip to glamour shots...i was given a photo club card for mother's day where i received a free photo and no sitting fees so i made an appointment...they make you put down a $20 deposit (which i guess is a good idea, although with young kids its hard to always know what day they'll be in a good mood) and then when we got there - it was a VERY long process!! it took over 2 hours and i didn't think they got very good pictures of him -- i had to wait around for 40 mins. for the digital pics to download and then they wanted to charge me $75 dollars to change the picture into black and white! sears does that for free! i ended up getting 6 wallets, and two eight by tens for 25 dollars (they make you pay shipping) definately a rip off - i'm headin back to walmart next time!