My feelings are really mixed abut the Angel experience. Sometimes I really like Anaheim Stadium/Angel Field/Whatever they are calling it, and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I feel good about the Los Angles/California/Anaheim/Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim/Whatever they are calling them, and sometimes I don't. On the positive tip, the team obviously wants to win from the ownership on down. And the field itself is really nice. The stadium mostly has pretty good sightlines, at least inside the foul poles. But the whole thing is a little too Disney. Not just the fountain in the outfield and the statuary, but more the heavy handed security. It seems like every time I go there, someone is being ejected for just being a fan. I was at a Boston game last year, and while the Boston fans were obnoxious, they were being baited by Angel fans who were behaving as badly or worse. But only the Red Sox fans got kicked out. That's not right. The whole scene is just a little too Orange County uptight. Too bad, because I think it could be a pretty good time if they would all just lighten up.