It's expensive, yes. But it's good. Undeniably good. Everything I've bought from AE I have loved for more than a year (That's a BIG accomplishment, OK??? shut up).
I think the only reason the customer service isn't as great as it could be is that AE is sorta, but not as extremely, like abercrombie in that they try to hire aesthetically pleasing people. Then again, pretty people aren't always the best for the job *shrug*.
It's well-lighted. a VERY good thing. I hate how A&F and hollister are always so DARK that you have to blink a couple secons to get used to the light again when you walk out. That's a bit too dark for me....makes you wonder what they're trying to hide....hrmmm....
But anyways, yeah. I like AE a lot. The fashion is pretty down to earth and I love their colors and basic shirts. Most of the time their prices are fatal, but when they have sales, they have SALES!! I got shirts for $5 from their last sale. =D The good thing about AE and them being so top notch is that their sales items are never gross and messed up like a lot of department stores. I would and could wear every sales item they had. That's when I knew they're stuff was awesome.