I E-mailed Honda Cars of Katy About purchasing a white 2011 Honda Fit sport automatic They E-mailed back that yes they would sell me a White 2011 Honda fit sport at the Agreed upon price of $18,543. Called and confirmed. Had several conversations with the sales lady. Made appointment the finalize the deal. Called and asked for the vin for insurance. Received the vin and gave it to insurance and was told it was to a 2010 Honda fit. Went to Katy Honda website looked car up by vin. Turns out that the car is indeed a 2010 Honda fit base model with manual transmission. I then called them and asked if the vin was wrong.
No, that they had quoted me this car. Refused to Honor their E-mail or the verbal contract. I have the emails and would love to send them to you. A Classic attempt to bait and switch. They were just stupid enough to do it in writing!