I have been attending Grace Church for 11 years. It is a Bible-believing church that takes God word as Truth and stands firm in its beliefs. It is a very large church (several thousand people on a Sunday). They offer a great kids Sunday School program and nursery services, with a parent-pager system so that you can feel safe and comfortable leaving your child in the class. There is a great missions program that focusses on local missions as well as global missions. There is an Awanas program on Wednesday nights, and a MOPS group that is fabulous! It is better than most MOPS groups around and meets every other Friday. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in any way you want. Because it is such a large church, it is best to try out some of the Adult Bible Fellowships (ABF) that meet Sunday mornings. That is where you will develop more personal relationships. I highly recommend giving Grace a try!