The Kenilworth Lodge is a historic hotel in Highlands County. In 1916, the hotel was built by George Sebring, the town founder. Beautifully restored, it often houses bicycle groups that come to town to ride through our quaint cities and beautiful countryside. The Kenilworth also sponsors several bicycling events throughout the year.
From December 8 - December 10, 2006, for example, it will host the ninth annual Highlands Bicycle Festival. During this event, bicyclists may participate in daily 62-, 30- and 12-mile rides. Designed for riders of all levels, the rides will have well-stocked rest stops and there will be sag vehicles, plenty of support staff, great road markings and maps. Continental breakfast and full mid-day meals are included each day.
And from March 24 - March 25, 2007, the Kenilworth Lodge will sponsor the eleventh annual Sebring Tandem Rally. Like the Highlands Bicycle Festival, there will be 62-, 30- and 12-mile rides each day. Continental breakfast each day and a banquet on Saturday night have been a tradition at most tandem rallies.