I started playing guitars in the 1960's (remember folk music?) and even played in a coffee house during college (where Java was hot and liquid,. My guitar was purchased at a pawn shop and I couldn't tell you the name of the manufacturer if you held a capo to my head. I used to think a guitar was a guitar. Then I played a Martin. Wow! This was a revelation. The action was wonderful, the tone rich.
They were expensive even back then (Nixon was president) and remain so now. But for serious players, they remain a great value. Essentially a life-time purchase if you take reasonable care of it (a good case is essential.)
On my birthday a few years back, we went for a tour and I left impressed with the craftsmanship of the American worker. (God bless 'em.)
It's a fun and interesting way to spend a couple of hours and it's not just for guitar players.
Here is an American company that can compete toe to toe with the best instruments in the world.