Go to Cardenas markets for the best prices on fresh produce! There are two Cardenas markets located in Moreno Valley. One is located on Ironwood and the other is on the corner of Sunnymead and Perris Blvd. I was amazed when I first went into this market. I thought I must have crossed over into Mexico. There is always loud Mexican music playing over the loud speakers and most everything is written in Spanish with English written below. After I got over the fact that many of the employees speak very little English, I found that the produce is pretty good and usually such low prices that they are almost giving it away. The meats are a "so-so" quality and a little more pricey than I would expect considering the bargain produce they offer. The also have a tortilla person working there making fresh corn tortillas for purchase. Make sure to pick up a package of these warm, tasty tortillas. They are wonderful!