I sent my oldest daughter through the Mothers Day Out Program at Sterling Park Baptist Church. While I though they took good care of her (I was never worried about the quality of the care) and the teachers were kind and friendly, the program is not a stand-out. The children didn't do anything particularly creative, VERY rarely played outside, and parents were definitely not encouraged to get involved--- for example, there was little communication with the parents (other than to scold them for driving to fast in the parking lot), parents were not allowed to volunteer in the classroom, and parents were not invited into the classroom or to the school for anything other than the annual Christmas play. The directors looked down upon parents as if they were better than them, and were not very friendly. On the up side, the program was a nice length-- four hours, including lunch, they had a 2-year old class (no potty training required) and you could pick the number of days yoru child attended, anywhere from 1 to 4 a week.