Lions Park is perhaps the best park in the Sevier County area. It is the location for the biggest civic event of the year (fireworks at sunset on the fourth of July). And for good reason. Unlike the other two parks in town, they didn't cut down all the trees to build in the area. The trees are huge and really quite beautiful (you can see a photo in the background of 5 Star Rental's ATV rental business's web site here: . The park is the home of the city pool, which is open to everyone and anyone for a nominal fee (yearly passes are available). There are baseball fields, a fun playground area, outdoor basketball court, a horseshoe throwing area(!) and a very popular skate park that I think is just great that the city offers. Needs expansion though.
The entire park is kept up really well. Public restrooms are available at the pool and in the central parking lot between the baseball fields and the park proper.
There are several seating areas for picnics. The covered seated areas may be reserved for parties and other get-togethers by calling the city parks & recreation dept at 896-6439, or stop by their offices at 75 est center, park betweent he city centrer and library, and you'll see their offices down the ramp, in the basement of the city building.