This company operates under "TeleKing". They are headquartered in Chandler, AZ. All of their glass shop numbers (AZ, FL,KY, MA, NY,SC) are routed to the same office in Chandler, AZ.... yea for T1. They have no real physical locations in any of those states in which they operate. All of their employees are"sub-contracted" illegally. To be an authorized sub-contractor you must be licensed in the state in which you do business. At least 90% of their work force gets paid commission of which none is taxed. As a former employee, I can assure you this is a bogus operation. Employees pose as policy holders of said insurance company in an attempt to authorize a glass claim illegally. Their sales force (the bulk of door to door) are usually housed in group home setting and shuttled from location to location generating sales and leads. Guerilla tactics are used to force the sales team to meet quotas. The limited lifetime warranty is BS. They claim to be better than the competition, but in actuality they are not. They seem to remain in business by controlling who works for them as to maintain a certain image while grooming their ideal team player. They will not do a chip repair for a first time customer unless that customer purchased a windshield from coast to coast. Their is no money in chip repair, which is why they stress the windshield replacement. Even if a replacement was done the company will stress another replacement be done unless the customer requests a warranty repair. Why are their phone sales so aggressive. For one their management team is computer illiterate (except for watching porn). They don't have the slightest idea on how to manage a call center effectively. The callers work up to 10hrs a day with minimal compensation and high expectation. The owners/managers actually think Scarface is real, and try to emulate a "mafioso" mind set.